Vine for the Soul: Ayahuasca Healing

A lot of treatment dates back from centuries when natives first discovered the healing properties of the plants growing around them. In search for cure to the then unexplained illnesses that they experience, they mix and matched plant medicines and even performed rituals that aim to appease the gods who could give them treatment.

Many have sought far and wide for a cure that would treat their physical, emotional and even spiritual troubles. Such integrated healing could be achieved when you visit different medical doctors with specializations you can hardly remember. However, in the deep jungles of the Amazon, there seems to be a healing ritual and brew that says to have such effect.

Ayahuasca, a drink made from boiling leaves of certain leaves of plants found and grown in the rainforests of Amazon, is said to be effective in putting the body, mind and spirit in proper order with the past, present and future. The ceremonial healing that is performed before the shamanic brew is drunk is a way of life for natives in the Amazon. Get to know how to find ayahuasca retreat in Peru by clicking here.

ImageHowever, the effect of the psychoactive drink which induces hallucinations is because of the active compounds from Banisteriopsis caapi, also known as “the vine of the soul,” and Psychotria viridisThe bark of the B. caapi are pounded and placed to a large pot layered alternatively with P. viridis then water is added. The plants are boiled for what could be more than 8 hours until only a small amount of liquid remains which in turn will be filtered with the use of a strainer.

The ritual or ceremony itself could vary from one shaman and tribe to another but some aspects remain constant. According to sources, the shaman, the plant spirits and the ayahuasca beverage are the three forces that bring about healing. Only an ounce or two of the brew is drunk and it could about an hour to take effect and the vision-inducing component to kick in.

While on the ayahuasca journey, there are countless phenomena that people experience; some cannot even be defined. You may see intense landscapes that are normally not possible in the real world. You might see your deceased relatives or non-existent species of plants and animals. Nonetheless, ayahuasca tour is not for everybody because of the intensity of the experience. But those who have experienced it stated that it helped heal them and transformed their understanding of life and reality.

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